A Love Letter to All The Moms "Lost" In Motherhood

As a mom, I very much understand what you’re going through, but I want to offer you a different perspective.

While you may be feeling lost in motherhood, have you ever considered…?

  • Maybe you’re just naturally immersed in it- deeply involved (especially in a season that’s all-encompassing) vs. unable to be found or find your own way out as the word “lost” implies.

  • Maybe you just never had the opportunity to fully process the changes you’ve gone through in becoming a mom because society doesn’t respect postpartum or matrescence and only cares that you bounce “back” rather than evolve and move forward.

  • Maybe you’re just struggling to feel like you because you don’t fully know this version of her yet and are still grieving your pre-kids life (but because that’s taboo to talk about, you’ve been led to believe what you feel is wrong).

  • Maybe you just haven’t been given enough encouragement and space to prioritize yourself (your own needs, interests, goals, and desires) as an individual- a whole person who is also a mom.

  • Maybe you just have limited time or energy for yourself because it’s become normalized for moms to always self-sacrifice for their kids, get the bare minimum support, yet be expected to never complain.

  • Maybe you’re just feeling alone because you haven’t had a way to deeply connect with other moms- be in community where you can freely discuss your shared experiences and help each other through them- without judgement.

The thing is, like so many other common beliefs and expectations about motherhood, this idea of being lost in motherhood- especially when used in an almost condescending way-is a bit misguided and misleading.⁣

And ultimately, the reasons why we may be struggling are not our fault.⁣

The biggest issues do not lie with us individually as moms.⁣

Instead, it’s lack of correct information... lack of support... lack of respect.

It’s lack of community... lack of honesty... lack of acceptance. ⁣

It’s normalizing things for moms that aren’t actually normal.⁣ And pathologizing things that are.

The Nourished Moms Village is a new online community created to help change this.

To be a safe space where moms can come and talk about their struggles with other women who understand.⁣

To be a place where moms are encouraged to put themselves first and prioritize their health- even when life and parenting make those things really freaking hard.⁣

To be a hub for moms to receive reliable and trustworthy information about all things nourishing themselves and upholding their wellbeing that’s specifically curated to their unique needs.⁣

Learn more and join us here- and rediscover, reprioritize, and reinvigorate yourself as a mom with our help.