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Reignite Your SPARK


A mineral balancing course for burnt-out moms who want to restore their energy, increase their capacity and resilience, and finally reclaim their health.


Did you know THIS about
MINERALS & being a MOM…?


Pregnancy takes about 10% of moms’ mineral stores to give to their growing babies in order to support proper growth and development.

Lactation increases many mineral needs for moms and can pull from their bodies to provide enough to nourish their babies via breastmilk.

Stress causes higher mineral use in the body and over time, can lead to depletion which negatively impacts stress-handling capabilities. (It’s a vicious cycle!)


Mineral depletion is an underlying yet often overlooked root cause of many symptoms (including exhaustion, brain fog, irritability, anxiety, and weight loss resistance) and can affect moms for yearseven decadesafter birth.


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The GOOD news:

When you have the right information and guidance to help you make simple yet intentional nutrition shifts, you can harness the power of minerals and replenish your body to can restore your vitality and increase your capacity.

In fact, minerals might just be the answer you’ve been seeking and the golden ticket to improved physical and mental health.


TRUST me. I’ve got you covered.

Reignite Your Spark can take you from…


You feel completely drained and burnt-out, barely making it through the day without needing to crash on the couch (or constantly thinking about how you wish you could).

  • AFTER: You wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle your days. You’re better able to pour into your kids but also have plenty left for yourself, too.

You’re constantly overwhelmed, struggling to keep up with all the demands you’re under as a mom and more.

  • AFTER: You feel grounded and capable of responding to the demands of motherhood with grace. You’ve built resilience, and stress no longer feels like it runs the show.

You feel like you’re always edge and are more anxious and reactive than you’d like to be.

  • AFTER: You’re able to handle meltdowns and messy moments with patience and a steady mind. You feel more peaceful, balanced, and in control of your moods.


You aren’t able to show up fully for your family or yourself because you feel like you’re drowning, always distracted by your endless to-do list.

  • AFTER: You can be intentional and present in the moment, enjoying time with your kids without feeling pulled in a hundred different directions.

You’re living in survival mode, reaching for caffeine and sugar to get through the day while counting down the minutes til bedtime.

  • AFTER: You’re fueling your body with balanced meals and mineral-rich foods and have more energy and clarity– plus now, you’re at the top of your priority list.

You're running on empty and it doesn’t matter how much rest you get, you still feel like sh*t and want you feel like you again.

  • AFTER: You feel replenished strong, and at home in your body. You’re vibrant, radiant, and resilient.


Here’s what you’ll GET inside this unique program designed just for YOU…

  • 6 modules of short and easy-to-digest yet info-packed workshops covering key foundations of mineral balancing + bonus spotlights covering the minerals most commonly depleted for moms

  • Guidance on step-by-step actions to take to replenish your body’s mineral stores using a holistic yet realistic approach

  • A collection of downloadable PDFs to help you apply what you learn to your life (including health assessments, food guides, nourishment hacks, recipes, supplement picks, and more)

  • Including audio-only versions of all workshops so you can tune in podcast style + a group chat to get ideas, support, and accountability from other moms

  • Meet yourself where you're at, take your healing at your own pace, and revisit the content at any time


Here’s what you’ll learn inside:

Module 1: Laying Important Groundwork

Workshop 1: Setting Your Intentions & Establishing a Supportive Mindset
Workshop 2: Meeting Your Needs to Begin Refilling Your Cup

Module 2: Minerals, Metabolism, & Macros

Workshop 1: An Intro to Minerals & Energy Production
Workshop 2: Blood Sugar Handling & Energy Management

Module 3: Replenishing Minerals With Nutrition

Workshop 1: Causes of Mineral Imbalance & Increasing Intake From Food
Workshop 2: Utilizing Beverages for Hydration & Mineral Support
Bonus Mineral Spotlights: Potassium & Copper

Module 4: Increasing Mineral Absorption + Reducing Use

Workshop 1: Optimizing Digestion to Boost Nutrient Absorption
Workshop 2: Conserving Mineral Resources by Addressing Stress
Bonus Mineral Spotlights: Sodium & Magnesium

Module 5: Keeping Your Mineral Bank Full

Workshop 1: A Realistic Approach to Stress-Relief for Moms
Workshop 2: Replenishing Lifestyle Practices to Prioritize (Part 1 + 2) 
Bonus Mineral Spotlights: Zinc & Calcium

Module 6: Filling Gaps & Fine Tuning Beyond Foundations

Workshop 1: Utilizing Mineral Mocktails & Other Nourishing “Potions”
Workshop 2: Enlisting Additional Support from Supplements
Bonus Testing Your Minerals via HTMA


Look, I get it. You’ve lost your spark since becoming a mom and you’re ready to feel like you again. Yet…

  • You don’t know where to start and need a plan to help you thrive in motherhood.

  • You want a program that’s built for moms and was designed with your unique needs in mind.

  • You’re a research girlie who likes evidence-based information but also appreciates a holistic, root-cause approach.

  • You need guidance that’s realistic and can be easily applied to your busy and full life.

This is where Reignite Your Spark comes in. All you need to do is believe healing is possible and invest in yourself.

(Because, in case no one has told you lately: It is + you’re worth it.)

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