The Root & Branch Guide to a Nourished Fourth Trimester

The Root & Branch Guide to a Nourished Fourth Trimester


A comprehensive guide to helping you understand what's going on in your body in the immediate postpartum period and what it needs for optimal healing, recovery, and replenishment in this delicate time and beyond.

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It’s no secret that having a baby is a monumental life change. We read all the books, register for all the baby things, take the classes, perfect the nursery, write the birth plan, and more- all we can do to prepare for the arrival of this new person into our lives.

But sometimes, mom is left out of all the preparation. We become so preoccupied with getting everything the baby will need, that we tend to forget about what we will need. We can easily skip over preparations for ourselves.

We must remember that when a new baby is born, so is a mother. A mother who will need to heal and recover from birth. A mother who needs deep physical and emotional nourishment. A mother who may be overwhelmed by the major changes to her body, her identity, and her life. A mother who will be juggling her physical healing and emotional wellbeing with the new tasks of caring for a newborn, while also figuring out how and when to care for herself. A mother who may actually be struggling with everything she’s experiencing and need help, guidance, support, and to hear that she’s not alone.

The Root & Branch Guide to a Nourished Fourth Trimester was created by a mom to help other moms prepare for the postpartum period- specifically, the early months where things can be pretty intense. With a gentle, holistic, and supportive approach, it aims to assist moms-to-be (or new moms) in learning what to expect after having a baby and create a postpartum care plan so that they can create the most nourishing, positive experience and feel their best. The goal is to help moms prioritize themselves too- not just right after their baby is born, but throughout motherhood.

The guide covers the following topics and more, with detailed information plus a ton of resources for more guidance and support:

  • Physically healing after birth

  • Products that can aid recovery

  • Nutrition to support healing

  • Key nutrients and helpful foods for the postpartum period

  • Breastfeeding: nutrition, addressing challenges, and getting help

  • Boosting milk supply

  • Breastfeeding and pumping support

  • Mental & emotional health

  • Setting boundaries and asking for help

  • Postpartum body image

  • Exercise after baby

  • Self care and how to make it happen

  • What to expect after the first months

The Root & Branch Guide to a Nourished Fourth Trimester is truly for any mom- whether you’re currently pregnant, are planning a pregnancy in the future, just had your first (or second… or third…) baby, or are expecting a baby you aren’t physically carrying. And it makes a great gift for a mom-to-be or new mom you love and care about!

What mamas are saying about the guide:

“This is so amazing! It truly is NEEDED work. Reading through it all, was a breath of fresh air! I on my journey read a book about the 4th trimester period & really healing through foods & such, but I love that you touch a little of everything with real life comments for mamas!! I honestly have no cons. Every mama needs this. And it’s super simple! 50 pages of comprehensive well researched work!” - Melissa

“I am so impressed and blown away. The thoroughness, as well as the empathy and concern you have for new mamas, absolutely shines through. You’ve obviously done your research, gathered relevant testimonials on what it’s REALLY like to enter motherhood without glossing over it or being unnecessarily negative (apparently a difficult line to walk today, if social media is any indication), and still have been careful to note where a reader needs to be willing to consult a different professional or do their own research.

Again, I very much wish I had had a guide like this after having my first, and am looking forward to re-reading this once my second arrives. It’s stuff every professional working with new moms should be able to communicate to their patients, and it’s all simple to implement (even if not always easy).” - Dani. O.

“What you have created is a masterpiece, holy cow. This information is invaluable and I will absolutely be recommending it to every pregnant person I know. Seriously. I don’t mean to exaggerate, but this is gold. I wish this was common knowledge. It would have saved me so much time and heartache, and from what I see from other mom’s groups I’m a part of, it’s a sorely needed resource.”

“Thank you for your work helping empower women with information and resources. I feel like your guide really aligns with my thinking- it is so real, raw, and gentle.” - Catalina R.

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