The Crucial Role of Stomach Acid & Its Surprising Ties to Your Health
Digestion actually begins in your head, so in order to get digestion started off on the right track, you truly do need to relax and chew your food well.
But once you’ve mechanically broken down and then swallowed that food, what’s next?
Chemical digestion begins in the stomach where- gasp!- we need adequate levels of stomach acid.
You may be surprised to know that common issues like heartburn and acid reflux are actually caused by low stomach acid. In fact, most digestive issues as well as many other non-digestive symptoms can be attributed to low levels of stomach acid.
Common issues tied to low stomach acid include:
Bloating, belching, or gas immediately after eating
Heartburn/acid reflux
Diarrhea or constipation
Food sensitivities or allergies
Seasonal allergies
Nutrient deficiencies such as iron (anemia)
Chronic fatigue
Immune weaknesses
Weak or cracking nails
Dry skin or eczema
Chronic yeast infections
Resolve digestive issues by using acid suppressors (like TUMS), acid blockers, or PPIs (proton pump inhibitors), I'm here to break some news to you:
None of these medications are working to improve your digestion.
None of these medications are helping- but more likely, are harming- your digestion but especially your overall health. They can be a contributing factor to the digestive and other health issues you're experiencing. Now that millions of people (over 15 million Americans alone) have been relying on these medications for years and years, new information is coming to light as to the serious drawbacks of long-term usage.
What!? How!? Why!?
I know you may be confused. We're bombarded with messages that stomach acid is bad. That acid reflux is an issue of having too much stomach acid, so we need to suppress, or even block it. But this couldn't be further from the truth.
Stomach acid is essential to health.
It's essential for digestion and nutrient absorption.
It's essential to a healthy immune system.
You chew your food and mix it with saliva and enzymes. When this mixture (called "bolus") is swallowed, it passes through the esophagus into the stomach. Here, it meets stomach acid (or hydrochloric acid). Stomach acid's very low pH (which makes it so acidic) allows it to be a powerful digestive and immune aid.
Its main roles are:
Killing pathogenic bacteria and yeast normally present in food
Breaking down proteins into essential amino acids
Stimulating the remainder of the digestive cascade (primarily the pancreas and small intestine) in order to further break down food and extract nutrients.
If proteins aren't broken down properly into the stomach, they'll arrive largely intact in the small intestine and become irritants and immune stimulators (proteins are viewed by the immune system as foreign!) If the pH of the chyme (what the bolus is called once it mixes with stomach acid) is not low enough (acidic), it won't smoothly and efficiently pass from the stomach through the pyloric sphincter, on its way to the small intestine. This can lead to sluggish digestion, lack of nutrient absorption leading to deficiencies, and intestinal permeability leading to food allergies and immune complications! (we'll discuss this more in part 3 of this series).
Like a domino effect, improper digestion in the stomach negatively affects the rest of the digestive cascade! We need stomach acid. By neutralizing it or worse, suppressing its production, we're shutting down a crucial aspect of digestion.
We're not breaking down proteins properly, we're slowing down digestive function, we're allowing pathogens into our gut (where the immune system lies), and we're decreasing our ability to absorb nutrients- nutrients that build our cells, tissues, and hormones. So you can see how suppressing stomach acid over time can become problematic!
So what causes
acid reflux and GERD?
Acid reflux occurs when undigested food and stomach acid back-flows from the stomach up into the esophagus. It occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter (a ring of muscle between the esophagus and the stomach) doesn't close tightly enough, and therefore, keep the contents of the stomach from moving up. (GERD is diagnosed when the acid reflux is chronic).
Acid reflux and GERD are no joke, either. Repeated bathing of the esophagus's soft tissues with corrosive stomach acid can seriously damage them and lead to ulcers (which can eventually become cancerous!)
Mainstream medicine tells us that acid reflux results when there is too much stomach acid, but most often, acid reflux is an issue of not producing enough stomach acid.
Makes sense right? We're producing so much stomach acid, so it has nowhere to go, so it comes up! This is actually wrong.
What is happening, is that food is not being properly broken down in the stomach, so it struggles to pass into the small intestine. When this mixture just sits in the stomach, it causes pressure, which weakens the lower esophageal sphincter, causing it to open more frequently. It can't deal with the pressure.
So what would cause low stomach acid (or hypochlorhydria)?
Production of stomach acid is hindered by a number of habits and facets of modern lifestyle such as:
Chronic stress
Use of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like Ibuprofen
Mineral deficiencies (particularly sodium, cobalt, and zinc)
Processed food intake (especially wheat, dairy, soy, and refined carbohydrates)
Environmental toxins (such as pesticides and chemicals in beauty products)
Low stomach acid can also be exacerbated if you have sluggish adrenal or thyroid glands.
So what do you do if you suffer from acid reflux, GERD, or any health issues that correlate with low stomach acid?
You've just completed Step 1: Educating yourself on the issue!
For further reading, I highly recommend Why Stomach Acid Is Good for You: Natural Relief from Heartburn, Indigestion, Reflux and GERD by Jonathan Wright!
Get to the roots by supporting a healthy gut, especially focusing on the stomach.
You can do this by:
Slowing down when you eat and chewing well
Read my other Gut Health blogs if you haven't already.
Lessening (ideally eliminating) processed food intake
Foods with lengthy ingredients lists or ingredients you can't pronounce or recognize
Avoiding refined sugar & sweeteners
White sugar, corn syrup, artificial sweeteners
Drinking plenty of water! (Aim for at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces daily)
Eating more gut-nourishing foods such as:
Raw sauerkraut
Coconut oil
Grass-fed butter or ghee
Including gut-soothing foods such as:
Raw honey
Aloe vera
Adding in naturally bitter and acidic foods (only if an ulcer is not present) such as:
Bitter greens such as broccoli rabe, kale, collard greens, escarole, and mustard greens
Raw apple cider vinegar
Fresh lemon and lime juices
Pickles (preferably raw if you can!)
Considering an acid-blocker weaning protocol (only under the supervision of a trained professional)
Getting your gut tested to get a clear picture of your digestive function and gut environment.
Keep in mind: when digestive issues rear their ugly head, it's an opportunity to ask "why"? It's an opportunity to explore deeper issues that may be affecting your health.
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