Feel like you’re always crashing hard after lunchtime? This 3pm energy slump is another one of those generally accepted-as-normal struggles so many moms have that actually is far from normal and is a symptom we should be paying attention to. Here are practical strategies to use to overcome the mid-afternoon slump.
Read MoreWhen this client began working with me, she was so exhausted she was needing coffee and sugar to get through her days and she felt constantly overwhelmed and overstimulated in motherhood.
Yet after her time working with me, she’s got tons of stable energy (no caffeine or sugar needed), and not only feels more patient as a mom but more calm and joyful overall. Here’s her story.
Read MoreWhen this client began working with me, she was 6-months postpartum and feeling really overwhelmed and out of control of her health. She was desperate for answers to her symptoms including increased irritability, fatigue, and feeling physically weak and depleted.
Within a few months of working with me, she’s feeling more in control of her mood, is energized without sugar and caffeine, and is well-equipped to tackle the demands of motherhood. She feels like she’s thriving as a new mom. Here’s her story.
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