Posts tagged energy
How Avoid the 3pm Energy (and Mood) Crash

Feel like you’re always crashing hard after lunchtime? This 3pm energy slump is another one of those generally accepted-as-normal struggles so many moms have that actually is far from normal and is a symptom we should be paying attention to. Here are practical strategies to use to overcome the mid-afternoon slump.

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8 Holistic Strategies to Help with Fatigue

Feeling tired isn’t a fun feeling- I know, I’ve been there. But I refused to accept it as normal, and I don’t want any other woman to either. Because as common and as frustrating- even debilitating- fatigue can be, there are actually so many impactful solutions.

Especially when you take a root-cause approach and honor your body’s deepest needs, you can have the energy you need to meet life and deal with the stressors you face. Here’s guidance and tips to help you get there.

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It's Not Normal To Feel Tired All the Time

Fatigue is so common that it’s become normalized- especially among women and particularly moms.

But what I want women to understand- especially those who absolutely require energy to tackle the demands of motherhood- is that feeling tired all the time is not normal.

Fatigue is a symptom and like other symptoms, it’s communication from the body. It’s a sign of deeper imbalance and dysfunction and ultimately, a cue to make a change. Here’s where to begin.

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Why Low Carb Diets Actually Aren't Great for Women

Low-carb diets have been getting a ton of time in the spotlight lately- from approaches like the paleo, Atkins, and even Mediterranean diets to more extremes like keto and carnivore diets. They’re often promoted as methods for losing weight but even for general health reasons.

And so you may be wondering: Do they actually work? Are they helpful? Or are they truly more harmful than good?

Let’s break it down.

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5 Ways New Moms Can Improve Their Sleep

Sleep is really darn important- for our metabolisms, hormone balance, cognitive function, mood, and more. And especially during postpartum, it’s a key component of recovery and overall replenishment and rejuvenation.

But for new moms, getting 8 hours of quality sleep a night isn’t often realistic. Whether it’s a cluster-feeding newborn, a sleep-boycotting baby, a toddler who wants to snuggle all night, or even older kids who wake you up, sleep can really suffer.

So what can you do when just can’t get the sleep you need?

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Why We Often Get Postpartum Nutrition Wrong (And What the Truth Is)

There are some major gaps in the postpartum care model, including correct information about supporting your health as a new mom. One major area where information is lacking is nutrition. Much of the information widely available on postpartum nutrition is either vague, misguided, or downright incorrect. And it often goes along with the mainstream narrative of postpartum.

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