Posts in Hormones
How Avoid the 3pm Energy (and Mood) Crash

Feel like you’re always crashing hard after lunchtime? This 3pm energy slump is another one of those generally accepted-as-normal struggles so many moms have that actually is far from normal and is a symptom we should be paying attention to. Here are practical strategies to use to overcome the mid-afternoon slump.

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How I Healed From Postpartum Depletion

Around a year postpartum, I crashed. And it was shocking because I thought I was doing everything right, yet felt more terrible than ever. I discovered, however, that I has been missing some really important puzzle pieces.

Here’s how I went from exhausted, anxious, and burnt out as a new mom to energized, vibrant, and resilient.

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Is Nourished Postpartum The Answer You Need?

Nourished Postpartum is my signature 3-month holistic nutritional therapy program helping moms of little ones properly honor, fuel, and care for themselves in their current season so they can restore their energy, improve their mental health, and feel like the best new version of themselves in motherhood.

Is it right for you?

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How to Create a Simple Morning Routine to Energize Your Day

Morning routines- or as I prefer to think of them, rituals- sometimes feel like they’re just trendy luxuries, but they actually are really important. They help to set the tone for the day ahead and can actually have a major impact on your energy, mood, and more.

But they don’t need to take hours and have 10 complicated steps.⁣⁣⁣

Instead, just focusing on these 3 simple habits can help kick off each day on a positive note.

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6 Benefits of Progesterone & How to Assess Your Levels

If you’re a woman trying to optimize your metabolism, improve your hormonal health, and support your fertility- especially if you’re trying to conceive- progesterone should be on your radar.  

Read on to discover how progesterone affects fertility, pregnancy, and overall health, and how you know if you’re producing enough.

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Postpartum Hair Loss: Why It Happens & What To Do About It

Like so many other weird postpartum changes, hair loss- or some would describe it more like shedding- can be really distressing! But it’s fairly normal (to an extent) and there’s actually lots you can do (before wasting your money on useless supplements and other products).

Learn more about the root causes of postpartum hair loss, ways to know if yours isn't normal, and nutrition as well as hair and scalp care tips to restore your luscious locks- all through a natural and holistic lens.

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Assessing Your Minerals & More Using the HTMA

The HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) is a really simple but powerfully insightful tool I use to assess my clients’ mineral levels and overall balance, which tells us so much about what’s going on inside their bodies. From stress handling to metabolic function to adrenal and thyroid function and more, the HTMA is such an amazing test that uncovers many healing opportunities.

Learn more about Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, the importance of mineral balance, and how a small sample of hair can tell so much about your health.

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What's the Ideal Spacing Between Pregnancies?

I get asked the question a lot: “How long is best to space out pregnancies?”

For some, it’s an easy decision. But for many, it’s not so simple. Ideally, pregnancy spacing needs to take into account many factors- particularly mom and baby’s health. So that’s what this post explores- particularly through my unique lens of functional nutrition + women’s physiology + metabolic & mental health.

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Why It May Be Time to Re-Think Your Food & Sleep

This may sound like a radically simple statement, but it’s true and all women need to hear it:

No matter who you are and no matter what health struggles you have or goals you’re after, eating enough food and getting enough sleep are absolutely essential.

But why? And how much do you actually need? Read on to find out!

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Why Low Carb Diets Actually Aren't Great for Women

Low-carb diets have been getting a ton of time in the spotlight lately- from approaches like the paleo, Atkins, and even Mediterranean diets to more extremes like keto and carnivore diets. They’re often promoted as methods for losing weight but even for general health reasons.

And so you may be wondering: Do they actually work? Are they helpful? Or are they truly more harmful than good?

Let’s break it down.

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