Feel like you’re always crashing hard after lunchtime? This 3pm energy slump is another one of those generally accepted-as-normal struggles so many moms have that actually is far from normal and is a symptom we should be paying attention to. Here are practical strategies to use to overcome the mid-afternoon slump.
Read MorePreparing your body (and mind) for pregnancy is one of the most important things you can do for your baby’s health but also, your own well-being as a mom.
As a mom who struggled a lot during my first postpartum and a holistic nutritionist and functional women’s health practitioner who works with other moms through this period of life, I knew that I wanted to give this area more attention and especially time when it came to my second pregnancy.
Here's what I focused on (particularly what I did differently) this time.
Read MoreDid you know that pregnancy gives around 10% of a mom’s mineral stores to her baby? This is one reason why moms are at higher risk for mineral depletion. Along with a history of under-eating, chronic stress and lack of sleep, and more, moms- especially new moms- can easily be out of balance. Focusing on replenishing minerals can help to restore health and vitality in motherhood, especially with the right test to get a full picture of your body’s stores.
Read MoreDiscover 5 powerful ways to boost your energy postpartum with the right nutrition. Perfect for new moms, these tips will help you recover and thrive!
Read MoreAround a year postpartum, I crashed. And it was shocking because I thought I was doing everything right, yet felt more terrible than ever. I discovered, however, that I has been missing some really important puzzle pieces.
Here’s how I went from exhausted, anxious, and burnt out as a new mom to energized, vibrant, and resilient.
Read MoreWhen this client began working with me, she was dealing with unexplained eczema flares, crippling fatigue, and constipation.
After working with me and prioritizing functional lab testing to find the root drivers of her symptoms, her eczema is completely gone, her energy is through the roof, and she’s pooping regularly. Here’s her story.
Read MoreWhen this client began working with me, she was so exhausted she was needing coffee and sugar to get through her days and she felt constantly overwhelmed and overstimulated in motherhood.
Yet after her time working with me, she’s got tons of stable energy (no caffeine or sugar needed), and not only feels more patient as a mom but more calm and joyful overall. Here’s her story.
Read MoreAs a mom, I understand what you’re going through, but I want to offer you a different perspective. Because while you may be feeling lost in motherhood, have you ever considered if what’s happening is normal and natural, and you just need other moms who get it? Or if it’s simply an understandable outcome of lack of recognition and support you’ve received as a mom?
Read MoreCleaning out your closet can feel like a daunting task, but it doesn’t need to be. Plus, the reality is that especially for women and particularly for moms- bodies change. This means that your clothes need to, too! It’s their job to fit your body now, not the other way around.
This post will help you make the process more easy, enjoyable, and productive.
Read MoreWhen this client began working with me, she was 6-months postpartum and feeling really overwhelmed and out of control of her health. She was desperate for answers to her symptoms including increased irritability, fatigue, and feeling physically weak and depleted.
Within a few months of working with me, she’s feeling more in control of her mood, is energized without sugar and caffeine, and is well-equipped to tackle the demands of motherhood. She feels like she’s thriving as a new mom. Here’s her story.
Read MorePostpartum weight loss is a very popular topic and a common goal for many new moms. And that’s understandable for many reasons- a big one of them being simply wanting to feel like you again.
But society’s obsession with “bouncing back” after growing, birthing, and nourishing new life and the top metric of success being how quickly you fit into your pre-pregnancy jeans? It’s nothing short of ridiculous and downright misinformed. Here’s why and what to do instead.
Read MoreGot questions about Nourished Postpartum? Here are answers to those most commonly asked.
Read MoreEspecially after we become moms, deciphering how to properly nourish and care for ourselves can be an even bigger challenge because the main message we get?…
“Be sure to lose that baby weight and “bounce back” as soon as possible!”
Not only is that really incorrect and super harmful advice that leads to food restriction during what’s actually a very nutrient-demanding period, the real life application of a lot of even the most well-intentioned nutrition advice we hear may seem outrageous, even laughable for motherhood.
Here’s what we actually need to know and focus on in order to best nourish ourselves as moms and thrive.
Read MoreNourished Postpartum is my signature 3-month holistic nutritional therapy program helping moms of little ones properly honor, fuel, and care for themselves in their current season so they can restore their energy, improve their mental health, and feel like the best new version of themselves in motherhood.
Is it right for you?
Read MoreWhether you’re dealing with a known thyroid disorder or suspect you are, it’s important to understand the root causes so you can can pinpoint and address the underlying factors impacting you, and have a clearer path to supporting your body and improving how this vital gland works.
Read MoreFar too many women are dealing with thyroid dysfunction- often without even knowing it.
Which means they’re often left feeling miserable every day and aren’t getting the help they need.
Learn more about the top symptoms of thyroid dysfunction so you can know whether it’s worth exploring this area for yourself.
Read MoreWhen I first met this client, she’d been trying to conceive for 6 months without success. She’d been referred to a fertility specialist due to her “advanced maternal age” and low AMH. However, she wanted to try a different path before exploring potential treatments.
Within a few months of working with me and using my functional nutrition approach, she got pregnant naturally! Here’s her story.
Read MoreHow you end your day is just as important as how you start it.
Here’s what to prioritize including in your nighttime ritual to help you wind down and get the sleep you need.
Read MoreMorning routines- or as I prefer to think of them, rituals- sometimes feel like they’re just trendy luxuries, but they actually are really important. They help to set the tone for the day ahead and can actually have a major impact on your energy, mood, and more.
But they don’t need to take hours and have 10 complicated steps.
Instead, just focusing on these 3 simple habits can help kick off each day on a positive note.
Read MoreAll those changes you go through when you become a mom? That internal and external transformation- even turmoil- you feel in the time before, during, and after pregnancy? It’s not all in your head. And there’s nothing wrong with you for experiencing it, even struggling through.
There’s actually a word for it: Matrescence.
And it’s time we talk about and normalize it so women don’t feel so alone and can get the help they need to not just survive through it, but thrive.
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